The Home Dispatch

Mobile app concept prototype build

Skills & Tools


The Home Dispatch are a pre-seed startup in San Francisco, building a task manager for the home owner market.

Design challenge

The Home Dispatch founders were looking to create a working prototype of their mobile app concept. They wanted to validate the concept through user testing and to pitch for funding, before investing in a full build.

They had been advised to look at no-code options for it. After some discussion on requirements, I proposed building the prototype in Glide, as I believed it would give them the right balance of cost, functionality and speed to market.


Process & solution

Using Glide I was able to build them a fully functional MVP of their app within days. The Home Dispatch wanted a number of ways for users to view and manage everyday home maintenance tasks. This involved some fairly complex filtering to be set up in Glide, as you can see in the diagram below.

Impact & learnings

There was little visual designing on this project, but a big part of it involved using my problem-solving skills. I had to take The Home Dispatch’s outline feature list and work out the best workflows and user experience possible, given the limitations of the tools used. You can see the prototype here

Mark was also great in helping us understand the powers of no code solutions, which helped us see a better version of what we were going to build.
The Home Dispatch

Let’s work together

  • Based in the UK & available for freelance projects or part-time
  • 30 years experience as a designer & creator
  • Multi-skilled in digital design, UX, prototypes & Webflow dev
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