
App launch brand & UI design

Skills & Tools


Gyftbook is a new mobile app to make celebrating special occasions easy work, enabling you to plan ahead with a celebratory message, scheduled to be sent on someone’s special day.

Design challenge

To prepare for their MVP launch and fundraising, Gyftbook wanted to make an impact with design as much as with features.

As a bootstrapped company, they knew they didn't have the skills for this internally and asked me to help. There were two requiremens – to bring the app to life with a distinctive initial brand and stylings, and to help build an app design and UI that was more polished and user friendly than they had built so far.


Process & solution

Working with the founder, the first part of the project was to create a custom designed logo, with a distinctive icon and colour scheme. We discussed the creative direction they wanted to go in, using moodboards and inspiration as a guide. The logo was designed to look like a polished app icon, visually combining a gift box and a person reading a book. A simple colour scheme, fonts and graphics were produced to fit the overall fun and gift-oriented image.

For the app, I designed an initial set of UI elements for their first feature set, including a basic style guide and key screen mockups.

Impact & learnings

Following the project, Gyftbook were able to launch in the App Store and start fundraising with impact, and faster than they would have managed internally.

His simplistic approach to design and quality in execution what I like the most. Would definitely recommend his work.

Let’s work together

  • Based in the UK & available for freelance projects or part-time
  • 30 years experience as a designer & creator
  • Multi-skilled in digital design, UX, prototypes & Webflow dev
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