Climb Technologies

Problem-solving workflow & UX needs

Skills & Tools


Climb is building a software platform that makes running clinical trials easier, enabling physicians, investigators and administrators to efficiently orchestrate and conduct clinical research.

Design challenge

With their initial product offering expanding into more functions, Climb found themselves with a number of new user types to service. This meant there were needs beyond the use cases they originally built for.

More specifically, the Climb platform was capturing and reporting on a lot more patient data than they had initially designed for, but they had not yet considered the way in which it was accessed or presented.

They needed design help to make a first-class product experience for the new users’ needs, that worked alongside pre-existing workflows. They had some research they had conducted, but needed some guidance and support in understanding how this could be used to create a new workflow. So far all ideas they had were fairly abstract without in-house design support to bring it to life and test it on users

NOTE: Due to confidentiality, I'm unable to show the detail of this project in images. Please get in touch if you have any questions.


Low-fidelity wireframes created to show the team potential solutions

Process & solution

Climb already had a collection of research and insights material, having a close relationship with many users. However, to define what needed to be created to solve the challenge, and how, required some guidance and using design thinking.

Initially I worked with them to define a scope of design work for their goals that was manageable, and a process by which it could be achieved. This helped them feel more comfortable with the potential outcomes from engaging with a designer, which they were a little nervous about without in-house support of their own.

The first step involved taking their insights and data to establish the main needs and actions of the user. From those I created some initial low-fi wireframes to show the team potential solutions. To aid this step I made the wireframes interactive, in Figma, even though they were lo-fi. This allowed all stakeholders to properly visualise and experience something that was previously an abstract idea to them.

Once consensus on the workflow was achieved, I developed the wireframes into full design mockups. This was based on their existing design system, and involved creating some new UI elements too. These design mockups enabled the team to spot small flaws and improvements in the workflow, which I iterated through on the mockups, to reach a final solution they were ready to implement. From there, I prepared the Figma file for handoff to their development team.

High-fidelity designs were made interactive, to demonstrate user journeys

Impact & learnings

The Climb team were really pleased to be able work with someone who could bring a solution to life from their abstract requirements. Being able to work with something they could experience first-hand made all the difference to the process, and I was able to create a workflow they were happy with in a very short space of time. Since then, they have been able to implement changes and move forward with their product.

I really enjoyed working on this project, as it was more about the workflows and UX than about the UI. It has helped me realise I prefer to work on web apps over mobile, and that workflows are fun to imagine and create.

Climb Technologies

Let’s work together

  • Based in the UK & available for fractional, part-time or for projects
  • 30 years experience as a designer & creator
  • Multi-skilled in digital design, UX, prototypes & web dev
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